Well i fIgUre i probably should dO at least One post abOut the train ride considering we sPent so much time On there.
That said, the trIP from Irkutsk to VladImir (jUSt outside of moscow) was quite uneventful, no 12 hour bOrder crossIngs or working OUt wether or nOt bOoks were "printed materIal" as far as RussIan cUstoms were concerned!!!
There was the fUn of trYIng tO buy things In the dInIng car thOUgh. The ladies rUnnIng the thing had hairdOs which made them seem lIke extras from the Rocky Horror Picture show. The service was interesting to say the least. Basically yoU wOUld gesture for them to cOme over and then maybe 5mins later they wOUld wander over. All very bIzarre!
Three nights on the traIn, leavIng 4:30pm the first day and arrivIng abOUT 1Pm on the last day. TIme spent maInly eatIng, readIng, cards and drinking (baltika - a fIne russian brew). The odd drop Of vodka.
Strangely enough it was quite sad to get off the train. Had settled into quite a relaxed rOutIne.
So that was the Trans MOngOlIan .....
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