Long Shadows

Was walking back from doing some shopping and noticed what I thought was a park up the end of one of the side streets. Still short of a picture I thought I would go check it out, you know, so I could give you today's photos of Autumn leaves or bare tree branches. Anyway, it turned out to be a cemtery which was far more interesting. Most of the grave stones were around 100 years old. The sun was just getting low in the sky, the golden hour, and throwing some awesome shadows. So I took the photo that you see above, which I thought would look pretty damn cool. On uploading it really doesn't seem that great. I hate it when then it happens. Grrrr. It certainly isn't helped by the modern buildings in the background (if you hadn't noticed them, then unnotice them again if possible.)
Off to see the League of Gentlemen panto-style tonight. It should be great. Unfortunately it is only for loooooocal people .......


  1. i love cemetary shots. i have tons from Paris. post some on Flickr! i want more cemetary shots!

  2. Anonymous8:18 am

    It might be better than you think. I keep expecting the shadow to sprout bat wings and fly off.

  3. I loved this picture! I'm a writer who loves cemetaries and the writer in my thought "Wow, I could use this for a great story starter." Don't sell this picture short. It's way cool!!
