Buy my stuff damn you

After the initial early awakening yesterday, the phone didn't exactly ring off the hook. The early caller ended up buying a coffee table for $20. Could've done with the extra sleep instead! It hasn't been a complete disaster though. Managed to sell my washing machine (so if I look scruffier than usual you know why), my video & TV (if I look more awake than normal you know why) and my microwave. Still got most of my big stuff though. Anyone want to buy a bed, chest of drawers or a fridge. No I can't email it to you, but you can still pay me if you want.

Had a farewell BBQ last night with my old team mates from work. It was great to see them again. Going to miss those guys and gals when I leave.

Have been trying to decide whether to travel with my digital camera (Nikon D70) or resort back to film (Nikon F80). Decisions, decisions. They are about the same size, it is digital storage which is the main concen. The colleagues from work bought me a cool storage device (40GB - sweet) for my digital photos, but I am having some trouble coming to trust it. All my photos on a rather fragile piece of electrical equipment!! I have a little time to put it through it's paces before I go though, so we may become friends yet.

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